Midweek Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Regular readers will have realised that Monday isn’t working out too well for the regular blog share post.  Maybe yours truly isn’t organised enough (yes, Mum, I know!), maybe I prioritise my admin role for scheduling within a Facebook group (Chronic Illness Bloggers, I love you all), maybe the day to day fluctuations of my own chronic illness just take over.

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You!

One of the most frustrating aspects of chronic illness – chronic pain, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS etc etc – for me is being robbed of the ability to make plans.  Don’t get me wrong, I do still make plans but I hate having to cancel and at times it does feel easier just not to make those plans in the first case.  It would be so easy to slide into an oblivion of constant sofa days without ever having to worry about keeping an appointment.  But this is too often the reality for the chronically ill with regular flare days and once very active people find themselves unable to keep up with life – certainly true for me.  So I must still try to make arrangements and to get out and about when I can.  I won’t be running any marathons soon, but this week I have managed a couple of trips to the park (between rain days) and a cinema visit to watch a recording of Matthew Bourne’s ballet Romeo and Juliet from Sadlers Wells. Different, controversial, inspiring, beautiful, dark, amazing…..just some of the words to describe it.

woman sleeping on sofa with throw pillows
                                   “SOFA DAYS”                                          Photo by bruce mars on Pexels.com


The beginning of half term was dominated by A level English Literature course work, as the lovely girl battled to complete her comparison of two self chosen novels.  With hindsight – that wonderful thing! – I think that maybe she bit off rather too much in choosing A Little Life (Hanya Yanagihara) and The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt), both weighty tomes.  The first deadline came and went, as did the second.  Meanwhile a Whatsapp group gaggle was regularly checking in as they all struggled to complete their pieces on their respective books.  By the following morning the lovely girl’s piece was complete but needed to be cut by 1500 words!!!  Hubby and I were called in to help with proof reading/editing, which was hard enough for me as I have only read one of the books, but hubby has read neither!  We were both sent packing pdq, but we do feel that we know the books inside out now (I have read A Little Life and thoroughly recommend it – warning not a happy read!!).  Finally, 24 hours after the original school deadline, her piece was submitted…..now it is on to the Extended Project and the art coursework. I may not be physically doing the work, but I feel like I am (ha, ha, ha).


I think that I have found some great new blogs for you this week and hopefully will brighten your day as we step well and truly into Autumn – the rain in my part of the UK has been horrendous.  Grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and enjoy!













Please comment, like and share – make a blogger’s day!

Have a great week!

Claire x

Midweek Magic 24th Oct


Monday Magic is back – Inspiring Blogs for You!

It feels like forever since I shared some inspiring blog posts with you.  If you read my last post you will know that for various reasons writing has not come easily recently, but I something that I really want to do is to get back into the habit of sharing great blog posts with you.

Monday Magic is back

Back in June I did manage to get to the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards in London and once again was able to meet up with other bloggers – some were old friends, others I felt I knew and then there were others who, along with their blogs, were new to me.  I was so excited that a fellow Chronic Illness Blogger – and one who I know – the lovely Caz from Invisibly Me won a category……you must have all heard my cheers!


The hotel was beautiful, situated in a perfect London square which actually boasted a small cricket pitch.  I’m not sure that they liked the look of me though as we had to use the tradesman’s entrance round the back…….this was the accessible entrance with a stairlift that accommodated my wheelchair.  The design seemed so clever until it was time to go home and the young receptionist blew the electrics when he turned the stairlift on.  There was no way that it was going to budge, so yours truly had to get out and sedately make my way down the stairs whilst hubby carried the chair behind me!  It was nobody’s fault, but it was a good job that I wasn’t in my electric chair…..nobody would have been shifting the weight of that down the stairs!!

person standing at the corner facing wall
Photo by Ekaterina on Pexels.com

Meanwhile the younger male members of the family have been off gallivanting to sunny climes.  The politics student went away with uni friends to Spain where they stayed in a friend’s villa on the coast near Alicante. Maybe that should read a friend’s parents’ villa….. I am certain that they are lovely, but they must be totally and utterly mad to allow a group of 10 twenty year old “boys” to use their holiday home!  More recently the young engineer and friends left London at its hottest for the cooler temperatures of stunning Crete followed quickly by a trip to Pride in Amsterdam – if the photos are anything to go by they had a wonderful time in both locations.  I will save stories of our hols in dear old Blighty for another day!


What of the lovely girl? Well she and her friends have had their A level artwork “Inside-Outside-Inbetween” exhibited by the Royal Marsden hospital in Sutton (Surrey branch).  The hospital reached out to local schools as they wished to display local young artists’ work in both corridors and treatment rooms. A private viewing was laid on for the students alongside friends and family – unfortunately I was too unwell to be there but hubby and parents had a great evening.  Apparently the food that the Marsden laid on was great – and the art was pretty good too!!  Anyone who is local and interested will be able to view the girls’ art until December.





So that must mean that it is time to sit back and enjoy some great blog posts – this week all chronic illness and health related – as ever please like, comment and share posts that you enjoy.











Have a great week,

Claire x

Monday Magic 12 Aug

A Zebra Returns – when a Flare combines with Brain Fog and equals a Blog Drought

Why is it that chronic illness can leave you feeling like a hypochondriac? When one thing leads to another and then another and then yet another? A flare of days turns to weeks turns to months……

adult alone despair emotion
Photo by Ana Bregantin on Pexels.com

When I wrote my last blog post I had no idea and certainly no intention that it would take me so long before I would be back again.  So often we speak of pacing and the need to prioritise for our own self preservation, but even this can become physically and mentally exhausting.

Chronic pain combined with brain fog, combined with the disability of the dislocated right shoulder (yes of course I am right handed), multiplied by the hot weather doubling the effects of POTS and the number of faints, equals in some strange algebraic type equation a hell of a couple of months!!


A Zebra Returns 1

I am lucky to be an admin for a great group called the Chronic Illness Bloggers and I always prioritise the scheduling of their posts to Facebook as number one each week.  This means reading each blogger’s post to check that it adheres to the group rules ahead of scheduling and this is a past time that I look forward to – my guilty pleasure, for sure.  There are some seriously good writers out there and each week I come away having learnt something new, hungry to try another different recipe and generally inspired by our community. Brain fog and painful hand spasms have led to writer’s block on several different levels for my own writing……and on reading some of these wonderfully written and thought provoking blog posts, I have actually questioned my ability to write and felt a little intimidated.

The longer my flare and writing drought have endured the harder it has been to find my way back.  The inevitable thoughts of losing readers and poor stats start to creep in as the ever popular “how to write a successful blog” type posts crop up daily on my social media feeds.  Social media – aghhh! Has anyone else found themselves drowning in the inability to keep up with all the different platforms, when a head that has been stuffed with a mixture of cotton wool and candy floss will not allow you to remember how to even eat breakfast?  Scrolling down the ipad on Instagram is enough to set off hand pains, and keeping up with world politics on Twitter is enough to trigger a migraine!

adult alone anxious black and white
Photo by Kat Jayne on Pexels.com


Two days later and I am back to try to finish this post.  The last couple of days have been filled with fainting, trip to the doctor, more fainting, CIB scheduling, even more fainting and….oh no, the increase in symptoms caused by monthly hormonal fluctuations!!  Great.  But….I have read and scheduled more blog posts – found great tips on managing pain, journaling, the importance of a great support network to name but a few – and I thought about why I started blogging in the first place.  I knew nothing about stats and social media platforms – I wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter, and Instagram was just a word that the kids threw about.  Not once did I think about the numbers who might read my ramblings about chronic illness and family life. I wanted to share my experience of living with chronic pain and chronic illness – at the time having a spinal cord stimulator implanted to help with nerve pain – and maybe give something in the same way that I had received support and hope from other blogs.  Writing can be therapy, a distraction, an outlet, a hobby and a sanctuary.

So here sits this zebra attempting to write…hopeful and thankful and wanting to re-engage with this wonderful blog family.


A Zebra Returns

Pin for later


PS: I am also the owner of some fab mauve fingerless compression gloves that help keep the spasms at bay when I type – hurray! IMG_0600


When The Simplest Things Floor Us

Isn’t it funny how sometimes the simplest of things can floor us?  Not the big things – the dislocations, the brain fog or even a recent A&E visit to check out an ankle injury for fractures.  Over the last few weeks a new enemy has been creeping up, slowly and insidiously until a sudden movement caused spasm and pain off the Richter scale.

long exposure photography of water drop
Photo by Fabiano Rodrigues on Pexels.com

Where? Back pain? Neck pain?  Well they still haunt me daily alongside the dislocations, but this is different and affects everything I try to do.  One evening several weeks back, my right hand suddenly drew itself up with a sudden, intense spasm into a claw.  There was no warning and the pain was searing – in fact I screamed the roof off leaving no one in any doubt that something had happened.  Cramp? No, this was a very different feeling as the ligaments and bones within my hand felt as if they had become intertwined and stuck in a confusing rigid medley of pain and spasm.


Pin for later

When the simplest things


Several hours later the claw unwound as quickly as it developed, but the pain, now in both hands continues.  Maybe it is a repetitive strain type pain or some of the nerve pain may originate in the problems in my neck, I don’t know, but it affects everything.  Holding a cup of tea, brushing my hair, holding a book……and typing!  Admin duties for the Chronic Illness Bloggers and emails have been prioritised but typing is painfully slow.  Writing my own blogs has slowly but surely slipped away from me.

Nothing in life is predictable is it? But life with chronic illness has “unpredictability” as a middle name – no day is ever the same, it is impossible to know how the body or mind will present itself as it wakes each day.  The bigger issues, “the big picture”, can be easier to cope with, but the little things that are unexpected can be the straw to break the camel’s back.  The best laid plans can be blown apart, resentment hits, brain fog distorts memory and pain can take hold.  Yet life goes on with or without functioning hands!



This has taken several days to type…..hopefully normal service will be resumed soon!


When the simplest things 2

May Day Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Another week and here we are in May – so it seems perfect to have a little May Magic as Monday came and went this week!  It has been a perfect day in south London – sunny, bright and mild – what better way to start the month.

May Day Magic 1

Hubby is away this week with the year 5 classes for an “outward bound” style activity holiday – or to put in in layman’s terms…..archery, hiking, zipwires, pylon climbing and more with 60 nine and ten year olds.  Of course hubby has the boys’ dorms under his care after the activities finish for the day, and his comment to me on their first night was “I knew it was going to be challenging when we started our first task of bed making and one of them actually said ‘what’s a duvet?”!!”.  They usually arrive home with damp kit, a bit smelly and absolutely shattered…..and that is just the adults.  This year they have a bank holiday weekend to recover and I know that the adults will appreciate the extra day for R&R.

brown work boots
Photo by Lum3n.com on Pexels.com

This leaves me at home with my offspring.  The eldest has just returned from a surprise birthday weekend away in Dublin – lovely treat from his better half – and is now looking forward to the first package in his gift from us…..a subscription to Pong Cheese Club.  Watch this space for taste testings!  My main carer for the week – the politics student – is nearly as much help as a chocolate teapot as he has succumbed to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and dislocated his knee during a footie kick around.  He managed to relocate everything to the correct position – you get used to doing this with EDS – but now cannot walk, despite my best efforts with tubigrip, a brace, crutches and painkillers.  We must have made a strange looking team as we put the rubbish out today…..him on crutches, me in a collar and sling – there is definitely a joke in there somewhere about the number of dislocations in a household of zebras!!! (Why the zebra?)

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I started saying what a beautiful day it has been and this led me to a big achievement, namely my first solo trip out in my electric wheelchair.  It has been a while coming, but today I was due to visit my friend for a haircut and whilst mum waled there with me, I came home alone.  I know that it sounds crazy for a woman of a certain age to be excited to get home under her own steam, but having that little bit of independence back after so long was both exciting and terrifying in equal measures.  Fingers crossed that over the next few months my joystick control and pavement driving improves – it is very hilly here, but I have good brakes!!



There is a great selection of spring blog posts here and one in particular is close to my heart, as I was a specially trained head and neck cancer nurse in a previous life.  The final listing is from Angela, and I think will strike a chord with all bloggers as she explains to her nearest and dearest that it is ok either way if they read her writing or not.  So sit back with your favourite tipple and enjoy!












Please share some love and comment, like and share these posts.

Have a great week,

Claire x

May Day Magic

Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

It is Easter Monday – hope you have had a great holiday weekend!  The weather has been just spectacular here in the south of Britain – the young engineer and friends have had a balmy weekend on Hayling Island (just off the south coast, near Chichester) where they donned shorts and enjoyed temperatures on the beach more akin to Club Med!

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! 22 April

A huge event for me this week was finally being visited and assessed by a community Occupational Therapist.  I can’t even tell you how long I have been on the waiting list, it has been that long!!  A big plus was that said OT, Johnny, has had one previous patient with EDS so he was familiar with the condition and knew a little about POTS too.  What a difference it makes when you don’t have to teach the medical professional from the word go…..although the spinal cord stimulator was something new to him.  It seems that maybe I am more in need than I thought – although the kids would tell you I am needy!! – or rather I might be deemed eligible for more help than I had anticipated.  Apparently it is possible for the assessment to recommend a need for a Japanese style loo – you know, one that washes and dries before it flushes (it may even play music….joke!!).

bathroom cabinet candles faucet
Photo by Joey on Pexels.com

So if the OT recommends it AND the local authority agree it, I might be able to get my electric wheels out of the house via the front door in the not too distant future…..the dog will appreciate a ramp, and a walk in shower to replace the bath and a stair lift might be on the cards too.  Watch this space!!

Chocolate has invaded the house this weekend.  The kids might be young adults now, but they have still been given a “healthy” supply of chocolate in the shape of eggs, bars and rabbits.  I have a complete new shelf of ornaments!


The blog posts for you this week include a mixture of spring and Easter posts, recipes, Earth day and health topics. Grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and enjoy!











Please remember to comment, like and share posts you enjoy – voting closes for the Annual Bloggers’ Bash Awards this week, so it would be great if you would consider voting for me in the Best Lifestyle Blog and many other super bloggers – vote here.

Have a great week,

Claire x


Annual Bloggers Bash Awards Nominee Best Lifestyle Blog

I’ve been nominated! Best Lifestyle Blog – Voting Open! #AnnualBloggersBashAwards

It has been several weeks since I was here writing – another dodgy dislocation of both shoulder and neck leaving me out of action.  I feel so guilty that I have been unable to visit my lovely in laws once again and hubby had to head of for Hereford without me. He left me in the “capable” hands of the lovely girl and even the young engineer has worked at home for a couple of days – I think a fall last week freaked him out and certainly did the dog who broke my fall!  Fear not, old Sam is fine!


During my blogging silence I was delighted to receive an email telling me I have been nominated for an Annual Bloggers’ Bash Award (ABBA) – hubby and I attended our first bash last year, met some wonderful bloggy pals and have already bought our tickets for the 5th Annual Bloggers Bash in June.  But I never dreamt that I would make it onto the nominee list – thank you!

I am honoured to be nominated and to be in the company of some fabulous writers!

Annual Bloggers Bash Awards Nominee Best Lifestyle Blog

I have been nominated in the Best Lifestyle Blog category along with some seriously good writers.  Although my blog has a chronic illness focus, I am also keen to appeal to my readers who don’t have health conditions and sometimes getting the balance right is tricky.  So to be recognised as  a lifestyle blog is praise indeed.

It would be wonderful if you would consider voting for me – the voting is now open!  Please take a look at all the blogs and categories and vote here – Annual Bloggers Bash Awards

Voting closes at 9pm (BST) on 24th April, 2019.

Monday Magic normal service will resume next week and I have some great reviews to share (written in my head!!)

Have a great weekend,

Claire x

Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Welcome to the last week of March and another Monday Magic on a beautiful spring day.  We have managed two cinema trips this week – yes, two! – to see very different films but both equally striking.

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! (7)

The first was Bohemian Rhapsody and I know that we are very late to the party.  The portrayal of Queen and particularly Rami Malek’s performance as Freddie Mercury were outstanding (if sanitised!).  It is difficult not to be swept along by the soundtrack of Queen’s greatest hits and then for those of us who remember Live Aid, the depiction of the concert in the old Wembley Stadium was a true trip down memory lane.  What I hadn’t expected was to be so overcome with emotion towards the end of the film and find myself in tears by the end.  The depiction of a hospital waiting room and a young, emaciated man sporting a a very particular lesion on his face took me straight back to the late 80s and my London teaching hospital.

It was an extraordinary time to be working in one of the few hospital’s with a dedicated HIV and AIDS unit (see my previous posts here and here).  As young nurses we were confronted by fear and ignorance of a disease that then carried a death sentence and also by a greater intolerance of same sex relationships.  I can remember being asked if I had to touch the patients, or if they had different bedsheets and what happened to their cutlery after they ate!!  There were question marks about applying for mortgages and if you sustained a needle stick injury the subsequent HIV test would definitely reduce your chance of being granted a mortgage.  Then there was the series of commercials run in the UK by the government – brutal, scare mongering and to the point.  But for me the film brought with it a sea of faces – young men – all robbed of life at such a young age.  It was the first time that most of us had been confronted by the certainty of death in patients who were in our own age group.  We were comforting parents and getting to know groups of friends who might have been our own.  Those names and faces remain with me all these years later and as Freddie Mercury declared that he wouldn’t be a poster boy for HIV on the big screen, the tears flowed as I was transported back to that ward in 1990.

The Middlesex Hospital from Gideon Mendel

Last night we went to a special cinema screening to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the “Great Escape” – that is the actual escape during World War II that the Steve McQueen and Richard Attenborough film was based on.  Hosted by Dan Snow, historians were joined by family members of some of the actual RAF men who staged the escape in 1944, and also by actors and crew from the film made in 1963 to depict the events.

One of the stuntmen who set up the iconic Steve McQueen motorcycle stunt at the end of the film had been flown in from New Zealand – he had some stories!!  I was really struck by the comment that it was an officer’s duty to attempt to escape and to create as much turmoil for the enemy – the Germans in this case – as possible.  These men almost certainly did not expect to get home if they managed to escape, but they did plan to continue fighting and to be a thorn in Hitler’s side.  Meanwhile the RAF were amongst those also remembering the men in Poland at the site of the POW camp, where the prisoners had dug out 75 years ago.  It was a very long (nearly 5 hours) but worthwhile evening……even if I couldn’t stand up by the end!!  When I popped my ankle out, hubby said we needed the inflatable evacuation aircraft chutes to get me down the cinema stairs….cheek!

So today I have been recuperating from my night out and have found a great variety of blog posts for you.  I hope that you enjoy everything from the fire eating gutsy goddess to some fantastic tips about plastics and the planet…..sit back with a cuppa and enjoy!












Please leave some comments, like the posts and make someone’s day!

Have a great week,

Claire x

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! (8)



Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Welcome back to another Monday Magic!  What a morning it has been with a visit to the local hospital for an”ology” appointment.  Today it was gastroenterology and things didn’t bode well from the moment the nurse said they were running a little late.  There is a huge white board with the various doctors names and details of the clinic.  We sat and watched as nurses came out regularly and increased the waiting time for each different doctor – waiting time 45 mins, 1 hour, 1 hour 15 mins…until the registrar I saw was running about an hour and a half behind.

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Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! ology

Is it me, or is the waiting room always too hot when the clinic runs late? People start to become agitated, staff don’t have the right answers and tempers become frayed.  Staying calm is a must – so send hubby out for some coffees and breaaaaathe!  I was in and out in no time with an increased iron level, no major changes and am happy to report another young doctor seen who knew about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS and the related gut issues!  Now all I feel fit for is a long siesta…….

A much more exciting event that we went to this week was an Engineering and IT careers event – where the young engineer and his business partner gave a presentation – well the talented business partner spoke and the young engineer clicked the computer slides!  I am now a step nearer to understanding what their business is…..cybersecurity was mentioned more than once!  The robotics Professor from the local university had a little, but incredibly expensive robot with him which was fascinating.  His main interest of study is using the robot for teaching both SEND children, who respond well to the consistency in information given by a robot, but also in mainstream education.  It was quite unnerving when the robot was fired up and ready as his eyes were able to track you across the room and his face really did seem to be expressive.  Another exciting topic was a “plasma” tool that a group of scientific engineers have created for a plastic surgeon friend.  The tool is available for both hot and cold plasma surgery and can potentially be used to aid cell and skin regeneration, tattoo removal and may help reduce the growth of resistant bacteria strains such as MRSA.  My head was simply spinning when we left….and I’m not even one of the students it was aimed at!

action android device electronics
Photo by Matan Segev on Pexels.com

This weekend the celebrations reached fever pitch in Wales as the Six Nations rugby was won, but also in all corners of the earth where there is a touch of the shamrock needing little excuse to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.  With a nod to the emerald isle, I have found you several St Patrick’s posts, along with some travel, health and beauty pieces.  Sit back and enjoy with a cuppa!

St Patrick











Please share some love for these bloggers and their writing – like, comment and share!

Have a great week,

Claire x

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! (6)

Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Welcome pain pals and apologies for the lack of interaction this last week.  Just prior to last week’s Monday Magic I managed to remove my humerus from its glenoid cavity…..or rather my shoulder had dislocated, yes I know…..again! Honestly my right shoulder is out more than in these days, but this last week has been particularly bad causing a few sleepless nights, much knocking back of morphine and generally feeling pretty low.  It really is unusual for me to want to do nothing – to not even be able to use my computer…..

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! (5)


Then I woke up Sunday morning with a beautiful eyeliner applied perfectly to one eyelid in a fetching shade of rose red.  You could not draw such a perfect line, although the lovely girl offered to try to match it on the opposite eye.  By the time my GP saw it this morning it had changed shade to a purple edged with yellow which now looks more like eyeshadow over the whole lid.  She says it is an infection in the lid, but I still think hubby had something to do with it after I poked him for snoring!! (Joke!)  However he has banned me from opening certain drawers as that is how the latest “joint parting of the ways” came about, and it is still falling out of socket every time I move.  Good excuse not to cook or clean though!

closeup photography of woman red lipstick
Photo by Julia K on Pexels.com

The week hasn’t been all bad for yours truly, as I had tickets to see the sixties inspired West End show “Rip It Up” with my mum.  I was worried as I was still feeling pretty rough, but with plenty of cushions for the car journey and then in my wheelchair when we got there, I survived.  I feel very fortunate to be able to secure both a wheelchair space and a free seat for my carer – in this case mum had a much more comfortable stand alone arm chair – situated in this theatre in the back row of the dress circle.  The show stars former Strictly Come Dancing stars : Harry Judd of McFly, Jay McGuiness of The Wanted, Aston Merrygold of JLS and Olympic gymnast Louis Smith MBE.  These boys sing, dance, drum and flip their way through the show.  The rest of the cast are such talented singers and dancers – Jill Marie Cooper’s voice blew me away – and there are some surprise turns on screen from sixties icons!

Rip It Up
Google images

Enough…I’m making up for my lack of typing this past week.  I have a selection of very varied posts for you from a cheeky look at middle names to several health posts to concert and book reviews to an interesting smoothie with a twist for my spoonie pals.  So grab a drink, sit back and enjoy!











Please spread some joy and comment, like and share these posts.

Have a great week,

Claire x