Midweek Magic – Christmas Inspiring Blogs for You!

Christmas Blogs for You

The festive season always starts for me with the traditional carol service held by my old school in the local parish church.  We old boys and girls gather in a local hostelry before and enjoy some Christmas nibbles and beverages before heading over to join in with Silent Night and listen to the young choir carolling.  There is something magical about the candle lit church and the smell of mulled wine and spice in the air.  With every year it becomes slightly harder to get myself there, slightly less predictable to know if I will be physically able to make it or if fatigue and pain will have laid me out.  I made it last week!  Never mind that the old neck decided to spasm or that by the end of the service my ear was nearly touching my shoulder, forget the howling wind and heavy rain outside the doors, it was time for Christmas to begin.

Christmas lights


The blog posts that I have found have actually been sitting on this page for a week now, but other events overtook – some planned, others not so much.  You might have noticed a little political debate surrounding the UK in recent months and a small matter of a General Election, but much more important in this house was the Christmas drinks event that fell on the same date.  Several months back, definitely before the date was stolen for the election, the young engineer and his business partner booked a new bar in Convent Garden for their second Christmas party.  You may recall that the lovely girl did some work experience with her big brother over the summer, but she was shocked to receive an invite to said party……we all received them, a dead give away that they came from the business partner and not the young engineer.  He would not want parents and grandparents arriving and getting carried away with the festivities!  Or so he says….

The family suffered a huge loss on the morning of the 12th December as our old dog took a turn for the worse and had to be taken to the vet for the last time.  He has been my constant companion since chronic illness struck and I am heartbroken…..another post for another day.  A trip to London that evening was not something any of us wanted – it was windy and raining, and Mum and I needed waterproof mascara for other reasons.  The whole country was waiting with baited breath as the election exit polls started to emerge and we were looking for our parking spot in a Covent Garden car park.  The weather was playing havoc with my pain – my back and leg nerve pain was screaming at me and my shoulders felt like something was grating away the bone each time I moved my arms.  Naturally the wine bar was in an old building and the young engineer had booked the basement bar – the barman was convinced that he was going to have to carry this middle aged woman down the stairs, whilst hubby suggested an inflatable slide like they use on aircraft.  But I shut them all up and slowly (I like to think of it being dignified!) I made my way down the stairs as my Dad waited at the bottom to catch me. No, that did not fill me with confidence.

Party pineapple

A good time was had by all and yours truly managed the whole evening without shedding a tear – even when my boy gave me a hug.  Please note – this is a very rare occurrence!!!  The music was loud and sent magnificent vibrations through my titanium spine and spinal cord stimulator – I still can’t decide whether it was a pleasant or horrendous feeling – the food was great and the cocktails were exorbitant (price!).  We met the rest of the Risk Ledger team, which has increased to 8 this year and were amused to hear what our boy is like as a boss.   We, the parents and grandparents, did a good job at being the embarrassing family – we are all quite loud, sociable and will chat to anyone and are very different to the young engineer!  I think that several of his friends/employees were surprised that hubby and I aren’t tech geeks -no he doesn’t get it from us.  It would have been very easy to stay at home for so many reasons, but I am  glad to have pushed through the pain and the grief to have been able to come away a very proud mum – just don’t tell him that I said that!!

Claire & Daniel

My pick of inspiring blogs are all festive themed – some of them full of cheer, others about coping with this time of year as it is not great for us all.  So grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy!











Please make a blogger’s day and comment, like and share posts!

Have a great weekend,

Claire x

Midweek Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Regular readers will have realised that Monday isn’t working out too well for the regular blog share post.  Maybe yours truly isn’t organised enough (yes, Mum, I know!), maybe I prioritise my admin role for scheduling within a Facebook group (Chronic Illness Bloggers, I love you all), maybe the day to day fluctuations of my own chronic illness just take over.

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You!

One of the most frustrating aspects of chronic illness – chronic pain, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS etc etc – for me is being robbed of the ability to make plans.  Don’t get me wrong, I do still make plans but I hate having to cancel and at times it does feel easier just not to make those plans in the first case.  It would be so easy to slide into an oblivion of constant sofa days without ever having to worry about keeping an appointment.  But this is too often the reality for the chronically ill with regular flare days and once very active people find themselves unable to keep up with life – certainly true for me.  So I must still try to make arrangements and to get out and about when I can.  I won’t be running any marathons soon, but this week I have managed a couple of trips to the park (between rain days) and a cinema visit to watch a recording of Matthew Bourne’s ballet Romeo and Juliet from Sadlers Wells. Different, controversial, inspiring, beautiful, dark, amazing…..just some of the words to describe it.

woman sleeping on sofa with throw pillows
                                   “SOFA DAYS”                                          Photo by bruce mars on Pexels.com


The beginning of half term was dominated by A level English Literature course work, as the lovely girl battled to complete her comparison of two self chosen novels.  With hindsight – that wonderful thing! – I think that maybe she bit off rather too much in choosing A Little Life (Hanya Yanagihara) and The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt), both weighty tomes.  The first deadline came and went, as did the second.  Meanwhile a Whatsapp group gaggle was regularly checking in as they all struggled to complete their pieces on their respective books.  By the following morning the lovely girl’s piece was complete but needed to be cut by 1500 words!!!  Hubby and I were called in to help with proof reading/editing, which was hard enough for me as I have only read one of the books, but hubby has read neither!  We were both sent packing pdq, but we do feel that we know the books inside out now (I have read A Little Life and thoroughly recommend it – warning not a happy read!!).  Finally, 24 hours after the original school deadline, her piece was submitted…..now it is on to the Extended Project and the art coursework. I may not be physically doing the work, but I feel like I am (ha, ha, ha).


I think that I have found some great new blogs for you this week and hopefully will brighten your day as we step well and truly into Autumn – the rain in my part of the UK has been horrendous.  Grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and enjoy!













Please comment, like and share – make a blogger’s day!

Have a great week!

Claire x

Midweek Magic 24th Oct


Falls and Bruises, Mixed with Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

It feels like forever since I last posted Monday Magic…..in fact writing still remains a bit of a challenge with the dislocations and whatnot getting the better of me.

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! w:c 14th Oct

I did learn a valuable lesson last week.  Hubby was out coaching year 6 football (10-11 year olds!) so I was home alone with our 17 year old dog.  IMG_0654Before the front door slams I always hear the same phrase leave hubby’s lips “Don’t do anything stupid!” – I mean as if!!!  I had helped the dog up – he can no longer stand unaided which prove problematic for yours truly – and then headed for his pottery water bowl.  “That looks a bit manky, Sam, I’ll get you some fresh water” :just as I was crossing the kitchen, heavy bowl in hand and stretching the ligaments to the limit – one hip decided to go disco dancing all by itself. Pop!  Out of socket it leapt and left its owner leaping across the floor, skidding in the dog’s manky water and the owner nose diving toward the hard tiles of the kitchen floor.


You know that feeling when something happens in slow motion, yet there is nothing you can do to prevent the outcome?  After face planting the ground I slowly attempted to move, gently checking for injuries.  Who am I kidding, everything hurt like crazy, most joints had popped out by this point and I couldn’t have told you if anything had broken or not.  Could I stand up? um…..Could I sit up?…..maybe, if I could manoeuvre myself without using arms or legs.  No that really wasn’t going to work, particularly as there was water all around me.  After heaving myself up the kitchen cupboards into a quasi seated position, I managed to use my mobile phone which happened to be tucked in my pocket and ring my parents, who live up the road.  Hurray – they were home and came straight down, but I was still soaked through to my underwear by the time they arrived and of course Dad laughed. I can see the funny side – the dog had scarpered and was waiting in the hall for them, whilst I was spread eagled across the kitchen floor surrounded by water and smashed crockery. What a sight to see!



Anyway my lesson was that when the family “fuss” and tell this old know-it-all that I must behave and always carry a phone when home alone……they are right.  In fact I think a key box may be a good idea – not for when the lovely girl or the young engineer forget their keys – but in the event that I have to “phone a friend” for help in the future.

The bruises have been monumental down my legs, side and arms – the whole Ehlers Danlos easy bruising skin has been in full view, but they are now fading.  Our dog is the proud owner of a brand new PLASTIC blue water bowl.  Hubby has managed to get me to the theatre and on a university art school open day with the lovely girl – with lots of velcro fastenings and tapes to keep everything in place.  But as you can imagine the call before the front door slams has now become “I mean it this time, Claire – don’t do anything stupid!!”


I have read numerous blog posts over the last few weeks whilst nursing my sore body and have picked a few favourites that I think are inspiring.  So sit back with a cuppa and enjoy!











Please comment, like and share these posts!

Have a great week,

Claire x

P.S. I am ok and live to fight another day!!

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! 14th Oct


Midweek Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Did you think that I’d forgotten about “IBFY” this week?  I had a blog tour spot for Monday and didn’t want to overdo the musings, so thought a midweek spot might do nicely to share these posts that I had found for you.

Midweek Magic Inspiring Blogs for You!

We survived our week with hubby away…..just!……..and more importantly he survived an activity week with 64 ten year olds.  The weather was really kind to them and he returned looking more like he had been to Spain rather than to Kent, the sun tan covering any signs of exhaustion!  At this end I continued to share drugs and my CBD vape with the politics student as he nursed, and continues to, his dislocated knee; there was one faint/fall/dislocation and only one set of plans cancelled. Not too bad going!  The lovely girl even managed to get out of bed every morning to do her paper round without her dad dragging her out of bed.

photo of person holding alarm clock
Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on Pexels.com

As hubby arrived home, the eldest and a group of friends headed off for Snowdonia, North Wales….to go camping!  Pitching a tent in the dark on one of the coldest nights this year – not my idea of fun and I think the young engineer’s better half would have preferred a B&B.  They actually had snow and built the snowmen to prove it!


Meanwhile yours truly now has the results of my neck x ray and unsurprisingly it shows disc and degeneration problems in both the cervical and thoracic spine.  “Where shall we refer you?” pondered my GP……um, how about somewhere that can arrange new bodywork!  I think that my neurosurgeon might go off for a very long holiday when he sees my name on the Back Pain Clinic patient list again.  At the moment I have no expectations and want to avoid more surgery – be it on my shoulder or my spine……time will tell!!


plant branch spice alluaudia procera


I hope that you enjoy this mix of blog posts that I have found this week – I have finished with a short video to highlight pain in Ehlers Danlos Syndromes Awareness Month.  So sit back with a favourite cuppa and happy reading!











Please like, comment and share!

Have a great week,

Claire x

PS: Happy Birthday, Dad!



Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Monday Magic 18th Feb

It is half term break already – how did that happen? It feels like school has only just gone back!  Anyway we and the lovely girl are doggy sitting for friends this week, whilst our own old boy, Sam, has his holidays at his human grandparents.  I’m not sure if I have mentioned before but he was a rescue dog many years ago and the one foible we have never got him over is his dislike of other dogs.  So he will enjoy a quiet week in a calm house being spoilt with his favourite breakfasts and gravy on his grits!!

Sharing a chronic moment!


Last night, feeling slightly energetic, I walked Sam up the road to my mum’s house.  I say walked….I’m not sure who was the slower, me or the dog.  If we had been going any slower we would be stationary and hubby was alternately pushing and pulling us.  We dropped Sam off and then continued the slow amble around the block heading back home.  Now when we had left home I was quite spritely – for me – so pooh-poohed the need for my wheelchair, taking just my stick and feeling quite invincible.  Big mistake!!  Half way back (it really isn’t far), and whilst going downhill, one foot was completely numb and the kneecap on the other side had dislocated….double whammy!  By this point I had a fit of the giggles but hubby, who was inelegantly hauling me along the road, did not see the funny side.  No more outings for me without wheelie back up!!

man riding bicycle with woman sitting in front
Photo by Charry Jin on Pexels.com

Talking of which the new car should be arriving soon, thanks to Motability agreeing to take back our current model so that we can have something that has a hoist fitted to take my new wheelchair.  Once I have figured out how to get it out of the house we will be sorted!!!  I am still waiting for an OT assessment which I hope will highlight the need for ramp access to the front door (amongst other things) – meanwhile we continue to encourage Sam to use the ramp outside the patio door rather than attempting, and failing, to jump off the side of it!

The young engineer is in San Francisco – a little bit of work, but mainly play.  I had a message to say that the Air b&b is “OK but doesn’t have a kitchen” to which my response was well he only knows how to prepare tuna with pasta so doesn’t really need one!  We have been introduced to the Forbes magazine lists this week – no I didn’t realise that they do the rich lists.  Anyway the young engineer and his business partner have somehow made it onto the Forbes 30 under 30 Europe Manufacturing and Industry list – the lovely girl is just staggered that her brother features on the same series of lists that Jess Glynn and George Ezra feature on (yes, yes..different category!).  Maybe one day it will be the rich list and he can keep his mother in the manner to which she would like to be accustomed….dream on, Claire!


Before I go I must introduce you to our fur babies for the week….Fred and Honey


and some fantastic blog posts from a variety of bloggers covering so many subjects.  So grab a drink, relax and enjoy!











Please like, comment and share – spread some love!

Have a great week,

Claire x

Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

How often do you have those weeks when life seems to have sped by and yet you’re not sure what you have done in that time?  I made a birthday cake with a robin theme – birds that is…..not Batman or Bristol City football club (me to hubby: “why on earth would I make a 7 year old little girl a Bristol City football club cake? She’s not a football fan and lives nowhere near Bristol” – he supported them as a child and still does!).  img_0349We went out for a family Chinese for hubby’s birthday as my brother and nephew were here – this birthday rolls on and on. I started another blog post – wrote the majority of it in fact, but never quite got it finished (one for later this week) – and I cancelled plans a couple of times. Oh….and I had several sleepless nights.

alarm clock analogue bed bedroom
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

It never fails to amaze me just what sleep deprivation can do and when that insomnia is down to pain the resulting fatigue and drain is even worse.  Now I look back at the many sets of night shifts and then a period working continuous nights when the kids were young and wonder how I did it….much like any other shift worker.  The constant tiredness must be akin to constant jet leg, but without any promise of far off sunny climes!  I did get phone calls from school on more than one occasion back in the day when I had slept through my alarm and failed to pick my kids up from school.  It is one thing dropping off at 8.30am in your PJs and boots, but quite another thing picking up inn your dressing gown at 3.30pm!

monday magic inspiring blogs for you! (4)


My own blog may have failed to spring any new writing over the week, but I have managed to read some great posts that did make the light of day.  I have found some great new and very different bloggers on a couple of meet and greets (Danny’s Dream Big Dream Often and Esme’s Senior Salon) as well as some familiar faces.  So sit back, enjoy some you time and get stuck into some fabulous reads.






bowl chinese close up cook
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com






Please like, comment and share!

Have a great week,

Claire x

Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

We are already half way through January and in the PainPals house this means that a significant birthday has been celebrated by the hubby.  I couldn’t say anything in my last post as I had booked a surprise weekend away and he reads these blog posts!

monday magic inspiring blogs for you! (3)

For those of you who know me or live with a chronic health condition yourself, you will know that planning any sort of trip away is tricky.  The variability and unpredictability of symptoms and general wellbeing can make it difficult on a day to day basis – so it felt like a risk to book a trip away and I wasn’t confident enough to look too far afield.  We haven’t taken a holiday abroad since before I was disabled from work, and an annual holiday is a thing of the past for many reasons.  So it was with some trepidation that I plotted with the family and arranged a couple of nights away in a haunted 15th century inn on the coast in East Sussex.

Hubby had no idea!  We all managed to keep it a surprise and let nothing slip, only letting on the night before we left.  I had seen a review on the Mermaid Inn, Rye on Kerry’s blog Kerry’s Life and Loves and fell in love with the history and photographs of this historic hotel and town.  “How on earth will you manage on the cobbles and all those hills?” asked my mum, alongside a nagging little voice saying the same in the back of my head, but the bloodyminded side of me was determined to enjoy just a couple of days.  Sometimes it is so important to throw caution to the wind and let the chronic illness take a back seat, whilst “normal” life takes over! The inn is everything that Kerry promised – steeped in history, former residents include Elizabeth I, Shakespeare and Elizabeth the Queen Mother to name but a few, and the beams, low doorways and open fires are all other worldly.  The maze of tunnels beneath and around the inn were thought to have been used by smugglers and it is rumoured that several inhabitants are of the ghostly variety!  No strange happenings on our watch….

Hubby was in for another surprise as we were shown to our room – he was not going to be allowed to forget his special age with the enormous helium balloons that the young engineer had arranged.  With the low beamed ceilings they took up nearly the whole room….did I mention that he had also arranged for a bottle of champagne to be chilling?!



We had a wonderful meal in the restaurant and the staff were all friendly and accommodating – even if they did wonder why this woman who was struggling to walk had booked to stay in really old building with steep stairs and no lifts!!  I managed though….even walking for some of the day in Rye on Saturday.  A word of warning – Rye with its cobbles and hills really is not wheelchair friendly!


I still find it frustrating that I couldn’t manage a whole day out and we spent Saturday afternoon watching a film in our room, but pacing is the name of the game.  This allowed me to go out for dinner Saturday night – to a lovely new restaurant called The Devil in Rye, which overlooked the gardens and walls of the ancient monastery – and then we spent the rest of the evening listening to jazz in a neighbouring Champagne & Jazz bar.  So grown up, nearly sophisticated and great fun.


It is a shame that I then slept for long periods on Sunday and all this morning, but sometimes it is worth using up all those spoons in one go.  So Monday Magic is teetering into Tuesday as I catch up from my slumbers……but I have found some blogs for you (even one about Elizabeth I) and hope that you will sit back and enjoy!











Please follow, like and share these bloggers! By the way we somehow managed to wedge the balloons in the back of the car, around the wheelchair, and they are now adorning the lounge!

Have a great week,

Claire x


Monday Magic – Christmas blogs for you!

The tree is up, new lights adorn the outside of the house and the Christmas cards are written.  The young engineer returned home and found glitter and sparkle adorning the house – much to his disgust….Mr Grinch!!  but then he has the cheek to criticise the lights in our hallway – too bright, too harsh – and presented me with a box of soft white lights to use instead.  Not a “I’ll change them for you, Mum” but rather a “put these up – they’ll look nicer”.  Needless to say the lights have not been changed.

Not my house…..but on our estate

This weekend brought the return of the middle child – the politics student – home from university for Christmas.  An enormous suitcase returned on the coach with him and I have a sneaky feeling that his entire wardrobe is in there ready for the washing machine.  I wonder how quickly the clothes will make their way downstairs and into said washer?  Hopefully before the smell invades the rest of the house!

Hubby and I have worked our strategy for the Christmas shopping – early, local trips that don’t last too long and then home to collapse for the rest of the day.  I think that he will find himself doing more of the wrapping this year!  A couple of achievements have been that we managed my old school carol service last week and a family meal out last night with our kids, the eldest’s other half, mum and dad, and my brother and nephew.

What is my eldest doing to make his cousin’s face glow like that?!

The preparations for Christmas can be stressful – the food, family dynamics, shopping, expense, parties, having enough hours in the day. If you read my post yesterday – a letter to my chronic illness – you may have some understanding that this stress can be so much worse when paired with health problems, physical and mental.  Amongst the posts this week are several offering suggestions to help cope with stress, to plan and to make checklists.  There is a fab post of creepy Christmas legends, some wonderful magical moments and some lovely Christmas poems.

Christmas blogs pin.png

So grab an eggnog or some mulled wine, sit back and with a week to go enjoy some great Christmas posts.











Please like, comment and share!

Have a great week,

Claire x

Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You!

This post should just about make it to you for Monday – depending upon which time zone you live in!  My brain fog has continued, several painsomnia nights later and an eye/sinus infection have left the blog low on the to do list.  Actually using the computer screen has been a chore with head and eye pain…..then add in my almighty cock up with my drugs and a few hours of pregabalin withdrawal – you get the picture!!

turned on laptop on bed
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

This week my nephew turned 8 and celebrated with a Laser Quest party for 15 little live wires.  This crumbly Auntie didn’t manage the trip (for the second year running)….but I did manage to make his birthday cake and sent it with hubby, the best Uncle in the world on that day.  For a simple, yet really effective cake that appeals to any kid, young or old, who likes sweets….make a “box of chocolates/jellies/sweets”!  If you would like a post with instructions leave me a message in the comments. One of the worst parts of chronic illness is having to cancel plans for special occasions when symptoms take over.  However watching Strictly Come Dancing with my Mum was probably slightly more relaxing than the aftermath of the party and the subsequent present frenzy!!  I have to just say here – I loved Stacey Dooley’s tango…you won’t know what I’m talking about unless you are a UK Strictly fan!

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I am currently writing another post for you following a special Accessibility day at Gatwick airport last week and probably the biggest excitement to come out of this has been our purchase of an electric wheelchair.  More of this to come.  Meanwhile I have caught up with some blogs today as my vision has improved (have you used that chloramphenicol ointment – eughhh, gunky eyes and stings like hell!) and I hope that you enjoy these posts as much as I have.  I plan a Christmas blogs post, but have included the advent calendar one here as you might want one sooner rather than later!  I have been a very lucky girl and was bought a beauty calendar by my gorgeous friend Holly – lovely surprise gift….I will fill you in on the gifts as I open them!

Sit back, grab a drink and enjoy!










Cupr of cocoa
From Kippi At Home website



Please comment, like and share!

Have a great week,

Claire x



Monday Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You!

Welcome back, friends – I have been on an unintentional blog break for two weeks.  Unintentional as life, fatigue and brainfog took over – I just was unable to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.  Then there are the constant demands of a family – hubby, dogs and “big” kids.

Pin for later

Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You! 12.11.18

The biggest kid, the young tech engineer, continues to spend half his week working from home, the other half in London as he and a tech pal continue to grow their new IT start up.  He just spent the weekend in the Peak District walking with 9 nine others through the mud and rain – a good time was had by all.  The smallest kid, the lovely girl, is currently working her way through German TV dramas on Netflix for her A level German “wider experience” – this weekend it has been Deutschland 83.  I saw it on TV but have been happy to watch again as the soundtrack takes me back to my teens in the 80s – the plot is great too!

Hubby managed a visit to the politics student last week.  It was supposed to be an overnight stay to break a long journey there and back to the north of England – and could well have included a pub crawl of Nottingham.  Hubby took the middle kid out for dinner and in true student style he ate everything put in front of him, but when they arrived back at the “digs” the number of young people staying in the house had grown to the point where hubby didn’t fancy his chances of 1. sleeping and 2. getting anywhere near the bathroom.  He was very relieved to be climbing into bed next to his wife at 1 am rather than in with his 19 year old son!



What about the dogs?  Well our old dog has been on his holidays to grandparents the last two weekends, whilst we have been vizsla sitting….firstly for Chester and then for Jensen.  Sam is now back and in his favourite spot in the window asleep on his bed – at 16, he is probably well over 100 in human years so can be forgiven for turning up his nose when the back door is opened to a rain swept garden!

I haven’t been very active with blog reading or commenting, but I have found some lovely posts that I hope you will enjoy them!  Commemorations have taken place globally this weekend for both Remembrance Day and the 100 years since the end of the first World War,  so it seems fitting to share some posts to mark this.  So sit back, grab a cuppa and have a good read….













Have a great week,

Claire x