Monday Magic – New Year Inspiring Blogs for You!

New Year’s Eve 2018….how did this happen?  The year has flown by.   I remember as a child hearing my grandmother and her sister saying that the older they got the quicker time flew, and I didn’t have a clue what they were talking about.  Now with each passing year, I understand them more and more – I even sound like them!

New Year Blogs

This last week of 2018 hasn’t gone quite to plan – just the usual faints, dislocations, pain and kids! – but does any festive season?  A highlight to kick off Christmas was a visit to watch the Bolshoi ballet performing The Nutcracker – Mum and I might have been watching in our local Odeon cinema, but the joy of live streaming meant that we were able to watch as events unfolded live direct from the Bolshoi theatre in Moscow.  We were blown away by the host who skipped from Russian to French to Spanish to English without drawing breath, I was exhausted just trying to keep up with her but the dancers were something else as they twisted and turned to the classic Tchaikovsky score.

This year a first in our house happened as Santa got fed up with waiting for the last of the youngsters to arrive home, probably getting into bed at the time that they would have been getting up only a few years ago and so the stocking delivery was made at 8am Christmas morning.  IMG_0311It comes to something when mum and dad are sat sipping coffee and waiting for the kids to emerge!  Another first was the grand outing of the new power wheelchair to make the trip to my parents’ for our Christmas meal.

There was much hilarity, particularly on the way home as my joystick skills left a bit to be desired……


Here I sit on New Year’s Eve in my PJs watching Madness on the BBC and the fireworks along the Thames in London and although I may have had to miss a party, I can still raise a glass of bubbly with hubby (kids all out!), find some great blog posts to see you into 2019 and wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Have a great 2019,

Claire x


Monday Magic – Happy New Year! Inspiring blogs to start 2018

Happy New Year, Pain Pals! Welcome to 2018….

Monday Magic - Inspiring Blogs for You!

I hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday season – I appreciate that for many of you this will have been hampered by health problems, for others it may be the first year since a bereavement, or just simply a difficult time – but we have to believe that there is always something positive, even out of negatives (hope my eldest is reading…..we call him Mr Glass half empty!).

I’m not going to do a look back at my year and bore you silly…..this week is probably enough.  Our week hasn’t gone exactly to plan – when does it ever? – with yours truly managing to fall off the sofa (I know, I know!) and putting out my shoulders, neck, ankle and hip in one foul swoop!! Of course this would be the night before we were due to travel to visit the in laws…..add hubby having a horrendous case of man flu (actually he has the most awful chesty cough and was banished to an empty child’s bed last night!) and the trip is off.  if you are reading, Dave and Wendy – I am so sorry! Kids are too as it meant any plans for New Year’s Eve parties in this house were ruined…..the teen girls due to gather decamped to another location and at the time of writing we have had no communications from the lovely girl! Plus one boy still old cold and snoring in bed here, having made it home.

Boxing Day

But two huge positives for me were managing a lovely family meal out on Boxing Day, and hosting the extended family the day after.  My brother’s family, the student engineer’s partner, and of course my lovely parents… the drone that one very silly auntie bought her nephew for Christmas.  Well I didn’t think he would be flying it around my living room!!!


I have put together a huge list of New Year blog posts for you from some of my blogging family…..many from the Big Up Your Blog community, others from Chronic Illness Bloggers.  There are reflections, good wishes, goals & resolutions, poetry and don’t miss Phil’s hilarious Predictions from a legit Psychic!  Plus the first is a great blogging invitation on Smorgasbord.  Sit back with a glass of something good (dry Jan can start tomorrow!) and enjoy.

Please be kind and share some love for these bloggers with likes, shares and comments!

Happy New Year! 

Claire x