Review “PainXit Tens machine” from Zec at Sat on my Butt blog

It is always interesting to those of us with chronic pain when a new pain killing device comes onto the market.  With so much metalwork and a spinal cord stimulator, I would probably be limited as to where this device might be useful, but Zec’s positive review on Sat on my Butt sounds like it could be worth a go!

“I have been sent a PainXit – TENS machine from designed2enable, simply put it is a portable TENS device to help combat pain.

I have a full size TENS machine and I have used it for many years, it doesn’t help with all of my pain but I know when it is likely to help and when it isn’t. I also have a similar pen device that contains a piezo crystal and delivers a shock when you click the button but I have never found it to be much help.

The PainXit – TENS machine is powered by a AAA battery and delivers a 1000 w at 0.4 mJ , now I know that sounds scary but believe me it isn’t.”



Full review can be found Sat on my Butt


designed2enable website

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