Feeling Isolated in a Storm #chronicillness

I’m without internet.  I’m without live TV.  There has been a storm here in the UK this morning – and I’m not referring to the events of the Supreme Court – and it has left this bendy body reeling.

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Feeling Isolated in a Storm


The baggy blood vessels and dodgy nerve signals that accompany dysautonomia have been complaining over the last couple of days, but the storm of thunder and lightning outside the window is now being mimicked by the different syndromes inhabiting this body of mine.



In other words, yours truly is unable to sit upright, much less stand without a gross centre of gravity failure.  I should mention here that the dislocated shoulder tends to put me off balance too, but imagine the feeling getting off a fairground ride, add in black blobs in front of your eyes and you get the picture.


purple lighted ferris wheel
Photo by sergio souza on Pexels.com


So, what is a girl to do? Attend a rheumatology appointment? No better cancel that as hubby can’t get me out of the house! Watch the news unfolding outside the High court and keep track of events on Twitter; tune in to favourite Netflix programmes whilst reading and scheduling posts for the Chronic Illness Bloggers; catch up with favourite bloggers and watch daytime TV? NO……


It is at times like this that I realise how much I value my online support and friendships from fellow bloggers to tweeters to Facebook groups and other chronic pals.  I appreciate how much more isolating chronic illness and disability must have been prior to the emergence of the IT world. The storm outside the window is over(ish) and the sun has been streaming in, but the damage it has done is ongoing to my technical equipment……but maybe the effect on the body can mimic the sunshine.  Here’s hoping! Now where did I leave my Kindle?


(Written on Monday – I will publish just as soon as I can get back online!!!)


8 thoughts on “Feeling Isolated in a Storm #chronicillness

  1. Oh, I’m glad you’re back online! I don’t know where we’d be without the internet. Well, I do kind of. I live in an area where we can’t get normal broadband. We have to pay a fortune for satellite broadband and when we get bad weather, it often goes off. And I go crazy

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  2. A rough time all-round with storms! The weather is bloody horrible in my corner of the UK today so I imagine you’ve still got buckets of rain this weekend, too. Hopefully less in the way of storms though, but apparently Mon/Tues is also forecast to be yuck. Time to batten down the hatches. You’re absolutely right about online friends and support, I totally agree. I also feel like I can’t function with the Internet and my laptop, just the thought breaks me out into a cold sweat 😂 Fingers crossed technical hitches are resolved and power/Internet stays, and also that you can get a little more comfortable to be able to rest. Sending hugs your way  ♥
    Caz xxxx

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